An Introduction To Table Lamps

Table Lamps are the common variety of lamps used and seen in most of the households. They are known for providing sufficient light on tables. Table lamps are considered ideal for students, pursuing their studies at night.

Table lamps are not just limited for night study, but are also used to add to the decor of the room. They are ideal on tables and have evolved from their simple beginnings to intricate designs and styles. Modern table lamps come with various additional features and fixtures. Some fixtures are decorative, while some have specific functions. Table lamps are sturdy and can be positioned for optimum lighting, on a particular surface.

Table lamps are usually fitted on short stands and covered with designer lampshades. These stands are made up of various materials such as wood, wrought iron, glass, cane, bamboo and steel. The lampshades may also vary from glass and cloth to silk and paper. The stands and shades are decorated with various decorative additions like glass pieces, paintings, beads, shells, fabrications and embroidery.

These lamps are available in various categories, to match individual tastes. These categories include Possini, Dick Idol, Cathy Ireland style, traditional, contemporary, Victorian, Tiffany and Tropical style table lamps. A detailed catalog of all the various styles, the materials used and prices can be found online. Buyers can visit the websites of the various lamp dealers and order online or visit the local lamp stores, to select the lamps in person. A collection of antique table lamps is also a part of these catalogs. People interested in the antique collection can also have a look at these catalogs. However, the prices may vary according to the materials used and the vintage value of the lamps. Designer mix and match table lamps are also part of the latest trends.

Mary J. Gibson

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