How to Decorate Cakes Within a Budget

It’s nice to plan a designer wedding/birthday cake with all kinds of elaborate decorations. The only problem is that they might be way above your budget. So why not go for some tips on Cake decorating on a Budget?

It is wrong to think that the best cakes need to be ridiculously expensive to impress all the guests at the wedding, and most of all—— your fiancé. Cakes come in all different ranges——from fifty to a few hundred dollars. As such you don’t need a fat purse but a good eye to get the most appropriate design and in these tough economic times it’s sweet music to our wallets.

Remember the adage, it’s not what you say, but how you say it’? You can use some of that wisdom. The people who really care will not associate materialism with the amount of love you have for them. They are more concerned about the creativity you can come up with to honor that personal bond. A simple, home made, lightly decorated birthday cake, baked out of sheer affection, goes a long way in saying, ‘I care for you’; something you can’t articulate even with all the expensive cakes of the world. This is where cake decorating on a budget becomes relevant; as there are some things that money can’t buy.

Don’t design the cake in a way that resembles you if it is not your birthday that is being celebrated. You want to make it special for the person whose birthday it is, right?

Decorating a cake should be out of a desire to do something special for a person. It certainly shouldn’t be motivated by selfish desires like grabbing the limelight for all the hard work involved in preparing the cake. The cake should complement the festivities; not be the occasion for it.

Mary J. Gibson

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Escape From Bed Bugs With a Hammock Bed

Thu Mar 16 , 2023
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Escape From Bed Bugs With a Hammock Bed

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