An overhead projector will need the use of some major parts that will support the functions of the equipment very well. Those parts are really important to consider because those are the right complement in your equipment so you can make sure that this unit can work properly. To know more about the parts, you can check this article out.
1. Lamp and Reflector. The lamp is able to serve as a light source. Also, the reflector can be seen in behind the lamp that is used to direct the light forward toward a mirror. If you do not consider the use of this reflector, you will see that the light will be scattered inside the base. In this case, you have the ability to make a very dim projected image. Besides, it is also completed with a condenser that is located between the lamp and the mirror.
2. Blower. A blower is used as the right product you have to know that will be used as a cooling fan so this equipment can work well. In fact, the blower is also by an electric motor. To install this blower, you must connect the shaft of motor so the fan feature is able to circulate cooling air within the base of the unit so you can be sure that it will work properly for your needs.
3. Base mirror. This kind of mirror is also important and it could be mounted at more or less a 45-degree angle. The installation of mirror is designed to serve the changes of the angle. Besides, it is really functions in reflecting the light and directing it upward through the stage of projector so you can make it beneficial for you.
4. Projection stage. This unit is a glass surface upon that is placed for projection. It also includes Fresnel lens that is made to magnify and focus the image upward.