Manifesting Your Million Dollar Idea With the Law of Attraction (Part 1)

There is abundance in this world. Abundance in wealth! Abundance in opportunities! Abundance in every area, each of us is capable of being very prosperous and happy. Yet so many of us struggle day after day. We are caught in a cruel rat-race, and many times we can barely come up for breath. Yet, to each of us, there is hope. Using the Law of Attraction, I want to teach you how to pull to yourself your Million Dollar Idea.

We all are here for a reason. We all have something that only we can offer. To discover our purpose is to discover that which both makes us happy and makes us wealthy. We were not meant to fear, hurt, or suffer. However, we all have been guilty of doubting ourselves, and we must learn to move through this. These are very basic things that you must realize before you can even begin to uncover your million dollar idea. If you find it, but doubt yourself and do not act on it, you may not find it again for years.

Manifesting your million dollar idea with the Law of Attraction can be done in three simple steps. Before we begin, it is important that you take these ideas seriously by taking action to apply each and every step presented in these articles. Attracting and manifesting your million dollar idea is a fabulous journey and without doubt, it first begins with you, for you hold the key to unlocking the manifestation abilities of the Law of Attraction.

Step 1: Creating a self inventory of your assets.

You may want to make a list of things you know. You can list things that you have specific knowledge in. You might try to narrow the list down into something you think is worth a lot in the market place. There are hundreds of books for that tactic. What I want to reveal to you today is a tactic that is far simpler, but you must be willing to put in the effort and specifically to remain very aware for the answer.

Find a time when you have half an hour to yourself. Find a comfortable, private place that is quiet and relaxing. Sit (or lie) or get comfortable in whatever way you want. Listen very attentively to the sounds around you. If the room is silent, listen to the silence. Become aware of your breathing. Count thirty breaths (in-out one, in-out two). When you have finished this your body and mind will be very relaxed and in the perfect state to continue.

Write every single asset you have and can think of onto paper. Look at the list grows and do not put your pen down during the process. You will be surprise with the list you come out with at the end of the session.

Once you are done, go through the list to sift out assets that are going to worth a lot in the market place. But do not be too eager to neglect and overlook the remaining gems on your list.

That’s the first step I need you to do. Get it done and we will discuss more in the next article.

Mary J. Gibson

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Marketing Ideas For Small Architecture Firms

Sun Oct 9 , 2022
Small architectural firms have slowly dwindled, being unable to cope with competition from established larger firms. This makes it essential for the existing small architectural firms to have a well-thought-out marketing plan and effective marketing strategies to become successful firms. Some firms have selected a certain niche to specialize in; […]
Marketing Ideas For Small Architecture Firms

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