Projector Lamps and Its Uses

A projector lamp is one that displays the image, transferred from a multimedia projector on a larger screen that provides a better view to the people. The projector lamp has found its way in various fields such as business, education and medical and so on. People find it easy and helpful to teach, understand and convey information using a lamp.

Before we move on to the topic let us have a quick view about the history of projector lamps. In the fifteenth century, people just came up with an idea of inventing drawings on thin, big screens, backlit by candle or other means of light. Later it became quite interesting for the scientists to study it, relating the above idea with the field of optics. And thus projector lamps came into existence.

The projector lamp basically makes use of an intense light bulb called the metal halide bulb that produces a brilliant white light. Shining onto an array of mirrors that are present inside the machine, the light bulb transfers the image onto the screen through the air. There are basically three types of projectors: slide projectors, overload projectors and multimedia projectors.

Overhead projectors are the ones that are being widely used especially in schools and in businesses and the reason being it’s low-cost and efficient usage. On a technical note, overhead projectors make use of a special type of mirror that helps in enlarging the image on the screen. Demonstrators find overhead projectors helpful enough to display writing samples for an entire crowd.

A multimedia projector happens to be the costliest projector lamp. But the amusing part is that it offers a good quality. The machine initially transfers the image and enlarges it on the image screen or even on a wall. Multimedia projector makes its way at theaters and also in home theater systems as its quality is high.

A slide projector is one that displays images contained in a slide. It can be called as “tool of a family” because it allows one to take a look at the images of one’s friends and family. Hence it happens to be a family entertainment tool. But slide projectors are meant for just photographic slides. Added to that, slide projectors have been replaced by digital cameras and other such tools and several manufacturers stopped producing it for various other reasons.

On a general note projectors has its own drawbacks too. The foremost one is its dimness. As it gets older, its dimness level also increases. One can make a note on the number of hours one’s lamp has been used for via an in-built monitoring system and can avoid dimness as close as possible.

Another striking drawback is the overheating issue. One must make sure that there is adequate clearance near the two vents (intake and exhaust) of one’s projector lamp.

Projector lamps are provided with a factor called lamp life that tells us the expected operating time of the projector bulbs. By operating the projector in a dust-free and clean environment and also by avoiding shocks one can increase the lamp life and can make well use of the projector lamps.

Mary J. Gibson

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