Teak Wood Floor Maintenance

This type of flooring is beautiful, exotic, and classy and can make your restaurant look class in its own way. Among hardwood floors, it is considered one of the most low maintenance and durable wood available on the market today. With regular teak wood floor maintenance, the fine-grained texture can remain beautiful for years. It is a great type of flooring to use in high-traffic areas. To keep your flooring looking classy there are some simple tips you need to follow when you clean the teak floors.

Teak cleaners

Using cleaners that are specifically made for cleaning teak wood are very helpful when you are getting rid of the mold and mildew that can form on the floors. This can cause black spots on your floors. On the market there are two types of cleaners available, which include:

• One-part cleaners-these are more gentle in nature and require ten to fifteen minutes of gentle scrubbing.

• Two part cleaners-these are a little harsher as the first part contains an acid application that is followed by slight scrubbing and then there is a neutralizer that is used to clean up the leftover acid.

Although they are effective in cleaning the black spots from your teak floor, they can damage the floor so you need to be careful how often you use them.

Vacuum every week

Another tip for teak wood floor maintenance is that you should vacuum them every week. Using a cylinder vacuum cleaner proves to be very effective on your teak flooring. The reason is that this type of vacuum cleaner is designed specifically for cleaning hard flooring and they use powerful suction to clean off the debris and dust that can make your teak-flooring look dull.

Regular mopping

This is one of the best tips for teak wood floor maintenance when it comes to basic cleaning. You do not need any special cleaners to mop the floor. Just use plain water. Make sure that your mop is damp and not dripping wet. If the mop is too wet it could make the flooring lose its shine and luster and could make the wood swell. Rub it gently over the floor to help prevent dust particles from accumulating on the floor.

General tips

• To help prevent the build-up of mold and mildew and reduce the shrinking of the wood, use a humidifier during the winter.

• To help maintain the shine and luster apply teak oil at least once or twice a year. It will not affect the durability but is a good idea for cosmetic purposes.

• Buff the teak floor once a month to help lift up the dust and get the shine and luster of the wood back.

Mary J. Gibson

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