The Kingdom of God was likened to a treasure hid in a field, which when a man found hid went and sold all that he had and bought that field. It is also likened to a merchant seeking fine pearls. When he found one of great price, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. Mathew 13:44-46.
Before I explain the parable, you might ask, why was Jesus teaching in parables. This was because most of the people who came were not there for him but for what he could do for them. Thus he hid the Kingdom mysteries from them. His disciples even questioned him why he taught them like this. He answered and told them that to them it was not given that they should know everything about the Kingdom of God. There hearts had been hardened so as they could not believe in the Son himself.
The treasures in this parable are Jesus Christ. When one seeks and finds him, he is more precious than anything you have all ever desired. One is willing to forsake all and give up everything for the sake of the great treasure you have found. Nothing else matters. Whatever was important to you now becomes meaningless and without value compared to the greatly priced pearl you have found. This is how your relationship with Jesus Christ should be like. You should be willing to forsake all for him. And there is a recompense for those who have left everything for the sake of the word.